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Britain’s Travelling Shows in 1904

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Title : Travelling Shows  
Author : Arthur Fenwick and S Bensusan
Source : Windsor Magazine
Year Published : 1904
Page Count : 11
Image Count : 18
Word Count : 6,454
File Size in MB : 8.9
File Type : PDF

"Myself a wanderer, whether over the byways of East Anglia or beyond the limits of Europe and civilisation, I am ever on the watch for the men and women who share my sympathies. I find them among the Bedouins of North Africa and Western Asia, but I meet them at home, too. Sometimes I find them upon a country road, moving with a few living-vans drawn by sleek horses, and followed by a roundabout in pieces and the paraphernalia of swings and shooting-galleries. They are going from one market town to the other, emancipated from early spring to late autumn from the thraldom of an abiding dwelling-place. To be sure, the proprietor may be bent upon the making of money, but I know that if that had been his sole goal in life he would hardly have chosen this..."

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