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GardenDome: Best Wood-Frame Geodesic Dome Greenhouse construction plan

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GardenDome represents perhaps the best low-cost, easily built, wood frame geodesic dome greenhouse construction plan. One Customer said:
  • "Wow, just perused the document, very impressive! I like the attention to detail in the directions, and the use of photographs is very helpful. I appreciate the fact that you have put together such a comprehensive plan, and charge such a nominal amount for the information so that more people can utilize the knowledge!"
Dr. Petty includes easily understood annotated photographs instead of drawings for each assembly step, including how to make triangle construction templates that simplify construction. The builder makes accurate measurements only to construct the template. The templates assist in triangle assembly and eliminate the need to measure strut lengths. Just clamp the beveled struts to the template, screw struts together, and then trim. Dr. Petty included all scaling factors for different sized domes and instructions to construct the templates for a 15.4-foot diameter dome or an 18.6-foot diameter dome. The optimized dimensions and efficient cutting guide for a 15.4-foot diameter dome reduce the standard 2x4 or 2x3 lumber requirements by 78 lineal feet, saving more in lumber cost than the cost of the plans. The plans also detail how to use recycled lumber for an even lower cost.

Dr. Petty tested this plan in the real world using only commonly available woodworking tools.
The plans include:
  • A list of all the tools you need and how they are used.
  • A detailed list of building supplies and pointers to providers of the greenhouse supplies that may not be available at your lumber store.
  • Step-by-step assembly instructions with annotated photographs for each unique step.
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