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The Energy of Flesh - Energetic Aging - Report

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The Energy of Flesh - Energetic Aging | The Energy Remedy

JD Slayton Author and CEO of THT Industries. Hydroport Official. Hydroport.Life

Learn the Secret to Your Personal Energy Success.

Master your energy. Master your life.

What they don't teach us in school or tell us about in life.

Learn it here, now! The Energy Remedy. #theenergyremedy

It's how we heal the climate and humanity - energy. Positive energy manifests a positive reality.

It's all about that "energy boomerang" that comes back to your according to the energy you "send out."

Your energy frequency is your soul signature in the spiritual realm. Your energy aura here on Earth.

You align with the energy frequency of your choice (free will) every day with the very first thought energy - aka - energy frequency you send out when you wake up in the morning. You are energy before you are flesh. You are the energy you keep. Keep well. The Energy Remedy will help you master your personal energy one level at a time - until you are an energy master.

Jesus Christ was an energy master. It's how He could walk on water and multiply food. God designed Jesus to be an energy master because He is the one and only Son of God in the manifested flesh of a physical vessel as a human man on Earth. We know He was real, and we know He could really perform miracles. We also know that He invited Peter to master his personal energy when He invited Peter to walk across the surface of water to meet Jesus. Jesus, of course, could walk across any elemental surface, because Jesus, as the Son of God, was/is an energy master. He could use 100% of His mind power at any given time. This allowed Him to do amazing things that we see as miracles! Miracles, indeed, because energy mastery requires 100% faith and zero% fear and doubt. It's the key to living our best lives on our highest, God-ordained vibes. Laying down our lives and picking up our crosses to follow the narrow path of righteousness to our promised reward. The reward of eternal life, a New City on Earth, and the energy presence of our one and only King - Jesus Christ Returns! This is the Energy Remedy. Ha, and you thought it was magic. Na. Just good old fashioned...GOD! God is energy, you see. God is all energy, all the time, everywhere. Jesus is an extension of God's energy, as they are one of the same energy of the same source, and the Holy Spirit is God's Holy energy extension that Jesus left here with us on Earth to comfort and guide us every day we live and breathe. God's energy is all-encompassing, so He sent a fragment of His divine energy manifested in the physical 3D Carbon-based flesh form of a human man, Jesus Christ, born from the virgin womb of a woman, Mary - His Mother. We are each also children of God created in His image. God breathed His breath of life into the first man, and into the first woman after forming her body from the first man's rib. But her life energy also was breathed into her by God almighty the Father and Creator of everything. Here, we help you realize your God-worth and never settle for less in energy terms. Here we help you understand that souls rise and your eternal soul is worth more than all the gold in the world! #thup #younme #energyremedy #justhelpproductions #energeticaging

#slaypublications #thyhydroreport #personalenergy #energymastery #energyawareness

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