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Open Your Clair Abilities & Mediumship Hypnotherapy Script

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What I have created here is a script, it's 5 pages long in a size 14 font, and 1704 words. I am uploading a PDF as well as a Microsoft Word Document so that if you wish to reduce the font size and style you can.

This hypnotherapy script will help listeners to open to their natural psychic and intuitive abilities, to be able to fine-tune their mediumship senses with the support of their Guides and Angels. It's gentle, uplifting, and potent!

This can be used by meditation facilitators, spiritual teachers, on retreats, and so much more. If you are a hypnotherapist and wish to experience transpersonal work, this is a great way to do it! There is a very short induction using awareness with the breath, you are welcome to add your favorite induction in front of it for a longer experience and client session or use it as it is for a shorter more focused session.

If you are a spiritual seeker who simply wants to clear, heal, and develop their mediumship abilities you will gain so much from this hypnotherapy meditation. A wonderful idea is to record it in your voice, play it from your phone or desktop with headphones on before bed and allow yourself to gently drift to sleep. There are hypnotic suggestions to help you release, remove, and clear your chakras and energy, as well as ground and center. This is a powerful hypnotic script to open your Mediumship abilities, or strengthen your abilities!

If you are a Medium who hosts classes or circles, you are welcome to use this script for your students as well!

For any support, feedback, or more please reach me, I am so grateful to share this with the world and want everyone to have an optimum experience.
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