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Summary of the book "The Art of War"

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How do leaders plan to wage war?
What are the factors influencing wars?
What factors influence the outcome of the war?
Why is it important to set up camps during the war?
What is the role of the leader in wars?
You will find the answers to the above questions in the Summary of the book "The Art of War"
Author: Sun Tzu:

This book is considered by the testimony of political and military experts as the Bible in military studies, the first ancient military book in the world, and one of the hundred most important books known in the history of mankind, and the importance of this book is due to the fact that most of its principles and strategies are still applicable to this day, despite the passage of more than two thousand years since the book
It is not only in the arts of war and military and political strategies, but it is comprehensive of some commercial, administrative, economic, geographic, administrative, political and other aspects.
For whom is this book?
For those interested in political and military studies.
For those wishing to know the strategies of countries in fighting wars.
• For those who want to know the ways of ancient leaders in the management of wars.

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