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Svatovo, Ukraine War Map

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Svatovo, Ukraine is a HUGE map for battles that is also suitable for arcade projects and Milsim communities. It's the perfect map for anyone looking to start a Russia-Ukraine unit, any existing war unit, or just to practice by themselves and have fun in this realistic and authentic map. We provided two large GIFS since the features can go on forever with a map of this size (watch for all details), but the highlights include:

  • LARGE size
  • A very big city with an airway and many villages around it (just like the real city!)
  • Authentic details like trenches for the perfect battles
  • Great Terrain
  • 2 fully "furnished" teams - Russia and Ukraine
  • BOTH sides include:
  • Their own bases and deployment areas
  • A LOT of high-quality gear and guns for each side
  • Their own vehicles (everything operates perfectly)
  • Ranges
  • Practice areas that replicate the conditions of a real battle
  • Helicopter Landing spots
  • Tons of open area for your usage
  • and MANY other things!
  • Many smaller towns & villages and a couple MOUT towns
  • Custom Assets used
  • Beautiful greenery and amazing lighting
  • Everything Works and No Lag

This map is simply a steal for only 13.99 with the details it has, it's worth way more but here at Semi, our mission is to provide you with best AND affordable things, so go right ahead and use this map! It's a must-have for any unit or a person interested in Russia-Ukraine conflict and is perfect if you want to start your own unit because it has EVERYTHING you would need.

You will get a RBXL (30MB) file