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Dogwalker's Cowl

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Here’s to the dogs in our lives that drag us out the door in every weather. Here’s to walking in summer heat and winter cold. To potty training in the yard at 3:00am, and to slow evening strolls with a faithful grey-muzzled companion. And here’s to you, dog owners, for wearing all the layers so that your four legged friends can go bounding through the snow drifts in the teeth of a blizzard.

This warm stranded cowl is tall enough to go over the bottom of your ears on super cold days, and short enough to squash under your chin without being overly bulky on sunny days. Work the close tube fit for active cross country hikes, or the looser cowl fit for low key neighbourhood strolls. Also appropriate for non-dog folks whose life brings them outdoors in winter.

Materials Needed:

  • @123 yards (164 yards) heavy worsted weight yarn in Main Colour (MC)
  • @57 yards (76 yards) heavy worsted weight yarn in Contrast Colour (CC)
  • 4mm (US 6) circular needle/dpns or size required to achieve gauge
  • 3.5mm (US 4) circular needles/dpns or 0.5mm smaller than gauge needle (this may be one or two US needle sizes depending upon the size of the first needle)
  • a stitch marker to mark the end/beginning of each round
  • additional stitch markers to mark motif repeats

Estimated Finished Sizes:

8.5” tall by 23.5” (30”) in circumference.

For a shorter or taller cowl, omit or increase rows worked in multiples of four. Changing the height of the piece will change the amount of yarn required.

Instruction Style:

This pattern is fully written; use of written instructions is optional.

This pattern is fully charted; use of charted instructions is optional.

A Note On Gauge:

Gauge is measured over the stranded motif after gentle blocking. Be sure to work your swatch in the round, as colourwork gauge worked flat vs in the round can be quite different.

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