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Travelling Light: Masonic Meditations on the Search for Illumination

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The latest book in the "Masonic Meditations" series. With quotations from a wide range of sources, from Masonic ritual and the Guru Granth Sahib to the Grateful Dead, this volume explores Masonic symbolism relating to light and the human search for inner Illumination.

Almost the first thing that we ask for as newly-made Masons is light. From that moment, we are led through the teachings of the Craft until, as Master Masons, we face the ultimate test of our courage and fidelity, only to learn that all the light we have thus far accumulated is but darkness visible.

And so we start to ask, if the light of this world is only darkness visible, what is true light? Where does it come from? How do we acquire it? How do we benefit from it? How do we use it for the benefit of others? And how, ultimately, do we become it?

And so begins our quest.

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