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Summary of the book "The Brain of Teens.. Scientific Guide to Adolescent and Young People's Care"

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When did the term teenager appear?
How do I make my teenage son obey my orders?How do teens think?Why do teens rebel against parents?Do hormones affect the actions of teenagers?Why do teens develop hysteria when their application is rejected? Why do teens use drugs and why are they considered more susceptible to addiction?
You will find the answers to the above questions in the Summary of the book "The Brain of Teens.. Scientific Guide to Adolescent and Young People's Care"
Author: Francis Jensen , Amy Ellis Nat

About this book:
There are many rumors and misconceptions that weave about teenagers, and who hasn't heard phrases like that teens are impulsive and emotional? Or are they rebels and don't want anyone to have authority over them? But all this is a mistake, the brain of adolescents is going through a special stage of development; we just did not study it extensively.This book came to present the clear picture of adolescents, and the way their brains work, they are not hard-to-understand aliens, but only their brains are not yet fully developed, and this book will be your guide to get to know teenagers, know how their brains work, how they think about things, how the digital invasion affected them, how drugs affect them, as the author will explain how to deal with your son in his adolescence, and at the end of Reading the book will be aware of the limits of teenagers, and you'll know what you can do to provide them with support, advice, and guidance.
To whom is this book:
For those interested in neuroscience.
For parents, teachers and teachers.
For young men and women and those going through adolescence.
For those who want to know how the brain works, especially in adolescents.
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