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Get to Know Your Ancestors and Spirit Guides 101

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This is a comprehensive 1 hr workshop taught by yours truly, Keyoncé, Creator of Millennial Soul Food. You’ll learn the fundamentals of safely communicating with your highest and most benevolent spirit guides and ancestors to deepen your connection, recognize signs, spiritual protection, and more. 

Here’s an outline of materials that’ll be covered:

  • Do you have to be psychic to do ancestor veneration or to work with your spirit guides? (Short Answer…No)
  • Dispelling fears of your ancestors and spirit guides? How do you know who you’re talking to?
  • Types of Spirit Guides: Guardian Angels, Ascended Master, Departed Loved Ones, and 3 others…
  • Easy Strategies for building a relationship with your ancestors and spirit guides
  • Basic Elements of an ancestor altar
  • 3 Types of Candles and their uses
  • How to Use Petition Paper
  • Setting Up Your Ancestor or Spirit Guide Altar
  • Ritual and Ceremony: Detailed Instructions for carrying out your veneration ceremony!
You will get a MP4 (703MB) file