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Microsoft Project Plan Training

Learn all about Microsoft Project and advanced Plan techniques.

Course Overview

This course is designed to take you from No Microsoft Project experience to Advanced/Trainer Level. You will learn how to create a Work Breakdown Structure(WBS), Project Plan, Update the Plan, Critical Path, Earned Value Analysis, Estimate At Completion, Save a Baseline Plan and track Planned vs. Actuals and much, much more.

Become an Advanced User of Microsoft Project

In addition to the Course itself, you will receive FREE Followup and Support as needed. You will feel confident and ready to expertly manage any size project with ease. If you Fail to Plan, you Plan to Fail…so you will be able to help manage and coordinate any project or initiative with the knowledge that you are an expert on the premier project planning tool.


Project Plan Training


Course curriculum

  • Installing Microsoft Project
  • Saving and Storing the Plan
  • Creating the Work Breakdown Structure(WBS) and Detailed Project Plan, Tasks, Summary Tasks, Sub Tasks, Resources, Vacation and Holiday Calendar impacts, Planned vs. Actuals Budget and Forecast Costing, Status, % Complete, etc
  • Managing the Plan, Critical Path including Concurrent Critical Paths, Dependencies, Leads and Lags, Slack, Contingency, Formulas, Fast Tracking versus Crashing the schedule, Backing into a Due Date with Quality, Top Down vs Bottom Up Estimates, Area on Node diagram, Earned Value Analysis, Estimate at Completion, Creating and Updating a Baseline Plan, and all Expert functions
  • Integrated and/or Consolidated Master Plan
  • Exporting the Plan to PDF, Excel, etc
  • Integrate with any relevant Intranet Site like Sharepoint
  • Share and Integrate on Virtual Meeting Platforms like MS Teams
  • Much More
  • General Q&A
  • Followup and Support as needed