Speak With Confidence
ATTENTION: To All Professionals Who Want to Improve Their Emotional Intelligence and How They Engage With Others!
Enhance Your Confidence Speaking In Front of People So You Can Captivate, Impress and Influence Your Audience
Public speaking is a skill which you need to develop if you are vying for a leadership role.
Yet, many professionals worry about it and find it challenging to prepare for a presentation, speak on Zoom, or interact with others through public speaking.
There’s also a fear of judgement and worry about making mistakes that can turn the whole process into something that everyone dreads.
How many times have you been asked to give a presentation at work and actually enjoyed it?
If you are like most people, you will feel nervous and may try to get out of it. Maybe you have had a bad experience with a speech in the past and do not want to relive that again.
Does Public Speaking Make You Nervous?
Do you experience sweaty hands, beating heart, and nerves that crawl up the wall?
These are common symptoms for someone who does not like or enjoy speaking in public, even if it is on a topic that they really enjoy. This makes it hard to even get up to the front to deliver the speech.
One bad experience in public speaking is all it takes for everything to go downhill. Your confidence has taken a beating, and you convince yourself that public speaking is difficult, or you are bad at it.
Just the thought of having an audience spend time staring at you, judging your words and asking questions that you do not know the answers too can be enough to make your head turn.
Rather than learning some of the tips to make public speaking easier, you avoid speaking opportunities and give up on learning techniques and skills that will make you a better public speaker.
Yet, deep down inside, you know this skill can improve your Leadership Presence. You really want to impress others but are questioning whether you are able to bring in the expertise and confidence that is needed to make this a reality.
Read on for the good news – There’s a Solution
Anyone can become great at public speaking, no matter their past experiences.
Back in school, I remember the time I froze on stage during a school debate and had to read my speech rather than present it.
My competitors smirked while my class teacher looked at me with sadness. I was in 5th grade. It was my first experience with speaking in front of an audience but the sense of humiliation was strong enough to make me take action.
I promised myself it would NEVER happen to me again.
I volunteered for every speaking opportunity. My parents, sister and pet dog were recruited to see me practice and give me feedback. My teacher encouraged me. They all knew the importance of developing this skill for my confidence and future prospects when I would join the workforce.
I never stopped learning and practicing. Nobody should experience what I did as a 5th grader in front of the whole school or even in the corporate world.
That’s why I’ve written a guide teaching you the skills and techniques you need to finally give a great speech and impress everyone in your audience.
Let me introduce to you...
Captivate, Impress and Influence Your Audience
Here's exactly what you'll get inside this package:
Speak With Confidence Guide Ebook
Here's what you'll learn in this guide:
· Basics of presenting with simple words that make sense.
· How to avoid filler language that distracts from the message.
· The importance of body language to help you present well while avoiding negative body language that makes public speaking hard.
· How to properly do the research so you have plenty of topics for your speech, making you the most knowledgeable person in the room.
· How to use vocal exercises to help with pronunciation.
· The power of a pause and why you should choose to use them in your speech.
· How to speak on a Zoom or other online medium in our modern world.
· The importance of practicing to help you get better and better, building up the confidence that you need.
· And much more!
But reading the guide is not enough for success. You need to take action that gives results.
FAST-ACTION BONUS #1: Point-By-Point Checklist
View or print this handy checklist so that you can check off each point as you work through the guide. course.
FAST-ACTION BONUS #2: Resource Cheat Sheet
Deepen your knowledge and learn more with this handy resource cheat sheet where I’ve shared link for further and deeper understanding of the Speak With Confidence Guide.
FAST-ACTION BONUS #3: Career Breakthrough Consultation
Post purchase, I will send you an email you used to make the investment in your skill development with an invitation to a 30 Minute Free Career Breakthrough Consultation. It’s a no-obligation opportunity to talk to me about the roadblocks in your career path and your desire to be seen as a Leader.
Take Ownership of your Leadership Skill Development and Speak with Confidence!