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Troubleshoot Your Blogging Business

Learn what it will take to make your blog profitable.

Do any of these sound like you?

Do any of these sound like you?

  • You would love to make money with a blog but don't know how.
  • You blog as a hobby and are interested in trying to make money with your blog.
  • You've been neglecting your blog and need help figuring out what to do with it.
  • You want to blog as a business and you're trying to decide between sticking with a blog you've already started or creating a new one.
  • You've been blogging for a while but you don't feel as if you're making any progress at turning your blog into a substantial source of income.
  • You've got an idea for a blog you'd like to make money from and you need help planning your business strategy.

If so, this course will help you figure out what you want (and don't want) from blogging, clarify your goals, and make a plan for reaching them!

What's included in the course:

  • 16 lessons designed to help you identify your target audience, figure out how to serve them, and ultimately, come up with a strategy for earning real income.
  • An outline you can follow for creating a Business Plan for your blog.
  • My best advice for laying a solid foundation for monetary success a blogger.

This course contains the same information I share with friends and family members who ask me for blogging advice--except in much more detail!

Hi, I'm Ashley!

I started my journey as an online entrepreneur by creating a website called, which changed my life by giving me the freedom to work from home as my own boss, doing something I enjoyed. Since starting that website, I've set up quite a few other websites for myself and others. I love passing along what I've learned about websites, blogging, and online marketing to help others achieve their goals.

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