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Nuphar Crescent

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Still water. Dragonflies. Sun filtering down through leaves barely stirring in a lazy summer breeze. A slightly spicy honey scent on the air gives away the presence of water lilies. Not the many-petaled white affairs made famous by painters, but the blunt-leaved, yellow-blossomed bullhead lily that grows where the water is still and slightly brackish.

The Nuphar Crescent is a shallow top down crescent shaped shawl that starts with a magic ring cast on rather than the usual garter tab. Lily pads grow from the top of the shawl in wedges, while the body between the lily pads is worked in a garter ribbing to represent the barely-moving surface of a breeze-rippled pond. The border pattern stretches into a diamond shape that recalls the shape of the lily pad motifs along the top of the shawl.

Materials Needed

- @550 yards of heavy fingering weight yarn with crisp stitch definition

- 4mm (US size 6) needles or size needed for a pleasing fabric

- @16 stitch markers (optional)

A Note on Gauge

I do not consider gauge to be important for this pattern. I do not consider gauge essential for a lace shawl, but rather encourage you to swatch for an attractive fabric.

As a rough guide for yarn usage, charts A and B together should use no more than 21% of the total yardage. If you are using up yarn at a faster rate and do not have extra yarn on hand, you may want to try again using a smaller needle.

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