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Welcome to a journey towards embracing your worth and reclaiming your power

Imagine a life where self-doubt no longer holds you back, where you confidently pursue your dreams, form meaningful connections, and live without fear of showing up authentically.

That nagging inner voice telling you that you're not enough or that you are not doing enough has manifested in all areas of your life. It has been affecting your relationships, impacting your professional growth, and casting shadows over your overall well-being.

You might catch yourself settling for less than you truly deserve, tolerating mistreatment, or fearing rejection whenever you try to express your authentic self.

Its impact isn't limited to your personal life – it sneaks into your professional world, suppressing your creativity and holding you back from grabbing those exciting opportunities you have always dreamt of achieving.

I've walked through the chapters of my own story, familiar with the struggles caused by my (lack of) self-worth.

A past marked by shadows – childhood abuse, the weight of bullying, the persistent cloud of depression, and the ongoing battle with anxiety – all left lasting imprints on how I saw myself.

In those moments, the voice of inadequacy shouted louder, silencing the whispers of my soul who have always known how worthy I am.

I felt a constant feeling of not measuring up, a lasting sense of not feeling good enough. The fear of rejection reminded me constantly that I needed to be accepted and I needed to be perfect, in order to be loved.

I longed to find a place where I belonged and could be seen and accepted for who I am.

The shadows of my past not only dimmed the light within me but also built barriers around my heart, blocking the authentic expression of who I truly was at a soul level.

But it was during this time when I had to face my own shadows, that I found the power of healing myself. I believe that healing is a journey, not a destination, and I have certainly been navigating this process of acknowledging, embracing, and nurturing the wounded parts within for the last decade.

Although healing is a lifelong process, it started with a moment of realization- the moment I realized that I deserve much better. That's when my journey of healing started...

As I embarked on this journey, I found that self-worth wasn't about seeking external validation; it was the awareness of the strength that has always resided within me.

When I was able to break free from the chains of inadequacy, unworthiness, and self-doubt, I was able to understand that self-worth isn't handed to us; it's an awareness of our unique journey, a celebration of our gifts and strengths, and a realization that we are inherently worthy of love, acceptance, and belonging.

And you too can break free from those chains that are keeping hiding, downsizing your potential, afraid to take risks, to fall in love or to express who you truly are.

You deserve so much more! You deserve so much better than the life you have told yourself it is meant for you.

You become and you receive what you believe you are worthy of. It is time to change the story of YOU.

Let's paint this Vision Together

What if...

you did this course and your life changed for the better?

What would happen if...

you made this commitment to healing yourself, and by doing so, your physical reality, emotional state and awareness of how to master your emotions, your body and your relationships transform into the life you always dreamt of?

What if...

you could finally see how powerful, wonderful and worthy you are, and you never feel triggered when someone else tries to diminish your light?

What would happen if...

with the magic of this course, you could change how everyone in your life treats you so that you get the respect, love, authenticity and trust that you deserve?

What if...

you could finally shift the unconscious blocks that keep you from implementing long-lasting change in your life?

What would happen if...

you could rekindle the connection with your sense of self, the true essence of who you are and you could finally be the person you are meant to be without fear of rejection, abandonment, or failure?

What if...

this course was THE moment when everything in your life changes?

Do you believe it?

Can you see it?

Ligia Costa, Soul Guide, Shadow- worker, clairvoyant empath smiling at the lavender fields, with a flower crown

Hi, I am Ligia,

and I'm here to be your guide on this soul-care journey.

I am that soul sister who's navigated the ebbs and flows of my own journey and through the bumps, bruises, and beautiful breakthroughs, I've picked up a few things I can't wait to share with you.

I'm not here with a laundry list of credentials and fancy titles. That's not my style.

What I bring to the table is a blend of life experiences – the messy, the magical, and everything in between.

During my healing journey, I had to face the shadows of my past, and I know what it's like to wrestle with the frustration, the questioning of how and why things happen the way they did... The grief of losing myself, my purpose and losing the belief that I was worthy of being happy and healed. I know how it feels to be stuck in Groundhog Day and just want all to stop!

But I found my way out, and I'm here now to help you find yours.

I won't just throw facts at you; I'm all about illuminating the path with the kind of wisdom that comes from living it.

So, why should you trust me to be your guide?

Because I'm not someone telling you what to do; I'm someone who's been right where you are. I went through the storm and came out of the other side.

And I'm here to make sure your journey is not just transformational, but downright magical.

Ready to journey together?

Unshakable Self-Worth

– a comprehensive experience created to guide you through the process of cultivating and believing in your self-worth.

This isn't just a course; it's a roadmap to self-respect, acceptance, self-love and appreciation.

You'll learn how to remove the obstacles, and heal the experiences and the beliefs holding you back and step into a life where your worth isn't questioned.

Experience the benefits:

  • Find your sense of self and believe wholeheartedly that you are worthy of all the love, abundance, health, happiness, creativity, success and peace available to you.

  • Finally, feel and be free to fully express who you truly are, your passions, your gifts and your desires, without waiting for validation or sacrificing your needs to please others and keep the peace.

  • Feel confident in your skills, abilities and potential to pursue your dreams and show the world your magic.

  • Have better relationships: with yourself, with your body, with your past experiences AND with others.

  • Find meaning in your life again, feel excited about what the future has in store for you and re-align with your soul's purpose.

You will learn...

  • How to assess your own soul foundations, so that you plant and grow a healthy and strong garden within

  • What is self-worth and its profound impact on your life

  • How to build self-worth into your life

  • Transform the meaning you give to your own story and identity

  • Understand your measures of happiness, track patterns of behaviour, and get unstuck from the things holding you back

  • Gain awareness of stressors in your life caused by certain situations, understand their roots, and learn how to navigate them effectively by reframing past mistakes

  • Explore your beliefs, and values, and gain insights to open new perspectives and nurture a profound sense of self-worth

  • Learn how to identify how these limiting beliefs and fears manifest in your body and what ways you can regulate your nervous system, so that all the deep mindset work has long lasting effects at a somatic level

  • Unlearn the lies that lead you to doubt yourself

  • Practical tips for daily application of newfound wisdom

In this course, you will dive deep into the core of self-worth, understand its impact on your life, and move towards a profound shift in how you perceive and value yourself.


As a heartfelt bonus, you'll receive an exclusive meditation designed to deepen your connection with self-worth.

This meditation will help you to centre yourself and align with your soul essence.

To embark on this healing journey, simply click the link below.

This experience awaits, ready to guide you towards a life where self-worth is your power.

Take the first step – your future self will thank you for it.

This course is PERFECT for you if...

  • You often find yourself questioning who you are and what you're capable of.

  • You don't have the confidence to pursue your dreams, start new projects, or accept new opportunities, and self-doubt is always present in your life.

  • The voice in your mind constantly tells you that you're not good enough, and not worthy of anything good, like love, happiness, belonging, luck, money and even a trusty friendship.

  • Mistakes feel like the end of the world, and you constantly fear letting others down.

  • You are sensitive to criticism, whether from others or yourself. It feels like an affirmation of your flaws that reinforces the belief that you're incapable of doing anything right.

  • You are starting to feel some physical symptoms. Lack of self-worth isn't just in your head; it manifests in your body. From mental health issues like depression and anxiety to unhealthy habits like smoking or substance abuse.

  • You apologize a lot, even for something that wasn't your fault, because you always blame yourself.

  • You feel unable to stand up for yourself because you are not comfortable with confrontation.

  • You don't believe you are capable of making the right decisions, and so you always rely on others to make decisions for you.

  • You feel self-conscious about your body, flaws or personality traits that you deem unacceptable or inappropriate, and you avoid being yourself and showing your true essence.

Lack of self-worth is not a mental health illness, but the symptoms are closely linked to those of depression.

Feeling hopeless, constantly worrying and ruminating in the past, blaming yourself, hating yourself and/or your life choices, feeling unworthy, and believing you are not deserving of healing, can lead to a mental health diagnosis.

But it doesn't have to be how your story unfolds.

You are not broken, therefore, you don't need fixing. You only need the courage and the belief that you have all the power within to heal and love the parts of you that you have unintentionally abandoned.

This course is NOT the best for you if...

  • You believe " I already know that"

  • You are looking for a quick fix

  • You are looking for someone to * fix * you

  • You are not willing to do the inner work

You will receive...

  • Actionable lessons to help you assess and build your self-worth

  • Comprehensive workbooks to guide your self-reflection and awareness and to help you integrate what you learnt

  • Exclusive Meditation

  • Access to the course portal where all the materials will be stored for you to refer back to whenever you wish

  • Lifetime access

If You Desire To...

Stop dimming your light

Learn to believe you are enough exactly as you are

Embrace who you truly are

Believe you are worthy of being healed, loved and happy

Have a healthier relationship with yourself and others

Feel free and confident to find meaning and purpose in your life

Say yes to you and break free from the limitations of self-doubt

Your Investment in You

Early Bird Price
