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DON'T Settle For Mediocracy

I will do everything in my power to help you.

Get Help From Someone Like You.

If you are seeing this, it means that you have resonated with me and the value I have put out on YouTube.

1 to 1 Calls go beyond any value you can get from any YouTube video.

We are social animals and 1 to 1 coaching helps you and me to achieve the next level of building accountability and a sense of a brotherhood which we all need as humans.

This is more than just a call.

Feel important. If you have not experienced a sense of a brotherhood, this is the right place for you.

I will listen closely to you and I will make sure you are heared.

I will make sure we use our time to the best of our ability. This will be insanely valuable for anyone.

Feel Confused or maybe Directionless?

I went through this stage myself, I felt despair and I felt hopeless, I understand how this shit feels.

Good news is that I am now equiped with the knowledge that I am eager to give you to navigate your way out of this problem.

Know What You Need To Do But Can't?

MINDSET is what you need. I will equip you with all of the techniques that will get you to do the needed work. We willl apply it to your personal cicumstances and preferences which will allow you to excel in your craft.

Choose a pricing plan

1 Hour Call With Timothy (me).

1 CALL, 1 HOUR - where you will explain your current situation to me which I will help you to navigate through.

I will equip you with ALL of the needed information for your specific situation that you will tell me about, I will listen bro do not worry.

We will also create a clear goal with a step by step process that will help you to overcome your problem, achieve your goal and obliterate your competition in whatever area you want it to be.

Clarity is what gets you going.

That is why this will so beneficial for you.

I am looking forward to meeting you bro.

Frequently Asked Questions

If I'm not happy with my purchase can I get a refund?

Please in get contact at any time if you're not satisfied with your coaching. We do our best to ensure all clients are happy and need to determine on a case-by-case basis the eligibility of refunds.

How does appointment scheduling work?

When you've completed purchasing you'll be able to login to your coaching account and can find out the next steps required to book a time for your appointment from there.

Is it possible to buy coaching more than once?

For sure! You simply need to purchase coaching again and will be able to get access to another set of coaching sessions.