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14 Video Resources Collection Padlet - watch, understand, discuss

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As the name suggests, it is a collection of videos I use in my sessions (with vocabulary lists and/or activities), divided into 4 sections:

General Interest.

As the name implies, they could be about anything. However, I try to tie them in with certain topics, so I will indicate the videos, which are in other Padlets too.

  1. The Real Peaky Blinders
  2. Habits I'm quitting.
  3. No one will recognize the world in 2100 (future)*
  4. Do school uniforms help students learn? (Education)*
  5. Cairns (Holiday)*

* content is also available on the Padlet in brackets

Foil, Arms and Hog

The hilarious Irish trio produces amazing weekly short comedy sketches, which are ideal for advanced speakers to take their English to the next level – slang, accents, play on words, colloquialisms – need I say more.

  1. The Parts of the body have a meeting
  2. Companies throw a party
  3. Getting past German Immigration


Business English.

At the moment, most of the videos I use are from one source, the Gymshark CEO Ben Francis.

  1. How you can scale your business fast.
  2. A day in the life of Ben Francis (work)*
  3. How I started Gymshark (company)*

*content is also available on the Padlet (name in brackets)*


English Learning.

  1. 5 techniques to speak any language
  2. Introduce yourself to your colleagues.
  3. 5 free grammar websites for quizzes (Grammar Padlets)*


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