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Breaking Up with Habits and Addiction

A simple way out of any habit or addiction

Are you feeling trapped by persistent habits or addiction, despite your efforts to break free? Have traditional approaches left you feeling disillusioned?

It's time for a fresh perspective.

You may have been told that you simply need to be more disciplined, or have more willpower, in order to change your unwanted habits or addiction, but what if this isn’t true?

In this course we are going to explore a different perspective on understanding, and overcoming, habits and addictions.

This is a powerful understanding of how we work as humans, one that makes habit change, and breaking addictions a lot less effortful, and a lot less stressful.

I have been where you are, and have now been able to leave behind an addiction, and many habits, through this understanding.

Course Content

In this course we will be covering:

·   The role of the brain in establishing an addiction or habit/s

·   How your habit or addiction has never actually helped you

·   The innocence of addiction and getting caught up in the cycle 

·   A simple way out and dealing with urges

I am so glad that you found your way to this course and I’m excited for what we are about to explore together.


Happy & Free: Breaking Up with Habits and Addiction


Course curriculum