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Snowbell Christmas Exclusive (PC and Quest) ♡

On Sale
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This is an avatar made last year and may be outdated. Please keep that in mind! I've reduced her price by $5 as well!

SNOWBELL WILL ONLY BE AVAILABLE UNTIL DEC. 31, 2024! After the new year you will not be able to purchase her.

Snowbell is a cute little bunny doll, a perfect Christmas gift for yourself or your girlfriend!





 ♡ ♡ Features ♡ ♡ 

 ❥ Snowbell PC


♡ | Appearance Toggles

  • Skin tones, Bunny Ears (Idle Flick), Antlers (Idle ear flick), Doll hair, Long hair, Long hair with braids, Hair glitter brightness, White eyelashes, Eye hue, Eye Saturation, Hair hue, Hair Saturation,

 ♡ | Clothing Toggles:

  • Garter, Shoes, Stockings, Bonnet, Wrist fluff, Neck fluff, Windup key, Snow bunnies, Hair bow, Headband, Holly, Candycane, Glasses.

 ♡ | Extra Toggles:

  • Windup key turns when touched
  • Ear Flick, Headpat with snowflake interaction
  • Deer Follower
  • Gingerbread house - Size slider, Hue shift, Open door shift.
  • GogoLoco version has been added already
  • VRCHAT ADDED IN GAME SIZING > Expressions > Quick actions > Avatar Height

 ❥ Snowbell Quest


♡ | Appearance Toggles

  • Skin tones, Bunny Ears (Idle Flick), Antlers (Idle ear flick), Doll hair

 ♡ | Clothing Toggles:

  • Garter, Shoes, Stockings, Bonnet, Wrist fluff, Neck fluff, Windup key, Snow bunnies, Hair bow, Headband, Holly, Candycane, Glasses.

 ♡ | Extra Toggles:

  • Windup key turns when touched
  • Ear Flick, Headpat
  • Deer Follower
  • GogoLoco version has been added already
  • VRCHAT ADDED IN GAME SIZING > Expressions > Quick actions > Avatar Height


♡ ♡ Credits ♡ ♡ 

 Everything has been edited someway by me, please do not reuse. 

 Bonnet: Nymphee 

Bells: Nessy

Hair Bow: Gelw0

Headband, Doll hair: Zioketski 

Glasses: Lenserror 

Braids: Saikura

Garters: Loki's Vanity

Shoes: Deimos

Head: Akami - My head edit do not reuse

Candycane: Cupcake

Body: Nikkie

Gingerbread House: NovaPie (TY for the gift)

Deer Follower: Koragira

Headpat Snowflake: Smoluni

Fur Shader: Whiteflare


Poiyomi Shaders: Poiyomi

Locomotion: Franada 

Pictures by LittleBoba and fiddlestyx.

Long hair, Antler’s, Windupkey, Bunny Ears, Holly, Dress, Neck and Wrist Fluff, Stockings by Cozu

 Please let me know if I've missed something in the credits!  



This avatar uses the GonsoLicensing System. Please read the instructions and keep in mind you cannot upload to more than one VRChat account with it and it might make editing the avatar more difficult. If you're not comfortable with this then please do not purchase the avatar.

Uploading will cost an extra $5 from this avatar on due to how much of a nuisance it is, you can add $5 to your initial purchse or I will send you an upload fee page that you can send $ to. 

Packages come with detailed instructions AND a youtube video step by step. If you need me to upload for you please join my discord and open up a ticket.