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The Herbivore Solution

Our planet faces the interconnected crises of rapid climate change, biodiversity loss, soil degradation, ocean depletion, and water shortages. To sustain our current lifestyle, continuing ‘business as usual’ we’d need more resources than our planet can provide. And we only have one earth. It’s a sustainability crisis on a global scale. We have years, not decades, to address these existential threats.

Join the Herbivore Revolution!

You will receive my upcoming book "The Herbivore Solution," plus my email newsletter, with articles, recommended resources, recipes, action points, or simply my ramblings, which I send out a couple of times per week. Plus, you’ll get notified when the book is published.

I hope the information presented here will inspire you to take action and spread awareness.

So, join me by signing up,

Joanna Slodownik

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What would you be willing to do to save the world?

Our planet needs everyday heroes—today, and every day!

Scientists say we are heading towards planetary breakdown, and even if we ended fossil fuels today, the food system alone would send us over 1.5 degrees Celsius warming.

It sounds ominous.

Many people don’t want to hear about it, just because how helpless and powerless it makes them feel.

If they can’t do anything about it, why should they worry, right?

It’s not in our hands. It’s in the hands of our politicians, leaders, businesses. One individual person can’t do anything. At least not anything that would be meaningful enough to change the course of our history.

But what if I told you that saving the planet—our biosphere and all the life that depends on it, is totally doable and our hands? And we can all do it, too, easily, without much sacrifice?

What would you say? Would you at least be interested what it is?

Or not really? And why not?

Of course, there are people who don’t care what happens in other parts of the world, as long as they’re okay.

But if we as a society and civilization have any sense and any leftover self-preservation instinct—shouldn’t we all jump up and embrace the solutions that we have within our reach to ensure not our own wellbeing, but the survival of future generations and all life on this planet? 

So, which one are you?

Do you say: Hell, yes, just tell me what I need to do already?

Or, no, thanks, I’m not interested?

And if it’s the former, then keep reading, because I’ll tell you exactly what it will take to make this happen.

And I’d be curious to know if you are willing to do it—tell me in the comments.

Are you willing to become a defender and protector of the planet?

Or do you prefer to just keep on doing what you’re doing, living your life as if nothing is going on?

Watching the fires, tornadoes, droughts, floods, and all the other disasters on the television screen, but not allowing them to get to you.

It’s somewhere else. It’s not here where you are. Until it is.

If you are reading this, they you are probably ready to do more than an average person.



Nothing? Something? Everything?

It depends on the scenario?

Well, there can be many scenarios.

And I’m going to present you with one of them.

About Me

Joanna Slodownik is fascinated by the amazing animals with whom we share this planet with us. She writes fiction and non-fiction books for children and adults that inspire, entertain and educate the readers of all ages. When she’s not writing and plotting her books and stories, she rides her bike around town, makes green smoothies and juices, and cooks delicious vegan meals for her family. During those activities, she constantly brainstorms ideas how to help the animals and the environment. Joanna's books contain content that goes straight to your heart, and may cause you to take actions with unforeseeable, long-lasting, life-changing CONSIDER YOURSELF WARNED!