**Cursive-Style Edition** Exploring Nature With Children: A Guided Journal.
Please note: This is a PDF download of the CURSIVE-STYLE Edition. (Contains cursive style copy-work)
Exploring Nature With Children: A guided journal is a companion journal for your child as you work through the Exploring Nature With Children curriculum.
It is advised that you will need to use the Guided Journal alongside the Exploring Nature With Children curriculum.
The journal is divided into seasons and months, with each month having four weeks of guided journaling for your child, directly following the Exploring Nature With Children Curriculum.
There are journaling pages for 48 weeks of guided nature study. Each week contains:
A title page.
A prompt related to the theme, space to sketch, and a place for your child to record the date and time. There is also a weather box for your child to draw a symbol to represent the weather at the time they are journaling. You may wish to have your child do any paintings onto watercolour paper, and later mount them onto this first weekly page.
Poetry copy-work.
Included is the week’s poem in either print or cursive for your child to trace over. Please note that some poems are longer than others; you may wish to have your child only copy a portion of the poem, depending on their ability.
My art study page
A place for your child to either paste in a copy of the art work of the week, their own sketch, or a narration about the piece.
Include the name of the work and the artist name under the page title.
Extension activity pages.
Guided pages for the all extension activities that require a written or sketched response, within the Exploring Nature With Children curriculum.
At the end of the book, you will find:
Calendar of Firsts
A monthly page for your child to keep a list of the firsts they see in nature. For example, when your child sees the first Bluebells blooming, they make a note of this on their calendar page, along with the date and where they saw them.
Nature Books I Have Read This Year
Pages to record the books that your child has read, or has had read to them.