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Recombinant, Book 1

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They stole his memories. Deleted his dreams.

Because he was government property.


They gave him one year to live. At an alien war front.

To save a world he'll never see.


Programmed to fight and kill. He just wants to live.


Private Peter Mitchell, one of thousands of cloned soldiers, isn’t like the other recombinants. He yearns for a life beyond his programming.


He clings to his individuality despite the memory replacement chip that parses out anything that stops him from killing the enemy—including his hopes and dreams. His compassion and introspection cause him to fail his training sims and endanger his entire unit.

When Reclamation Specialist, Dr. Jeannette Kingston discovers a catastrophic failure in the recombinant tech, she must either report the failure and destroy hundreds of recombinants, including Private Mitchell, or say nothing and risk losing the war—and her home world.



Recombinant is the first novel in the Experiencing True Purple series, a genetic-engineering military alien invasion war saga set in a fictional future Earth and its neighboring galaxy of Taus. The United Countries of Earth battle a nearly unstoppable alien attack force that has exhausted most of its advanced technologies and forced them into deploying cloned soldiers, recombinants, by the thousands to stop the Antaran advance toward Earth.