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[Slide] Data Engineering 101 Lecture Material

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Fundamental Knowledge to Become a Better Data Engineer.

This Data Engineering 101 Lecture Material is designed to equip beginners with the essential skills and knowledge needed to thrive in the data development landscape. From understanding data engineering concepts with fundamental knowledge to mastering data warehouse, this course offers a step-by-step guide to building a strong foundation in data development. With this course, you will gain knowledge of data modeling, ETL processes, data warehouse, data processing, DevOps basics such as CICD and IaC, knowing AWS Data Services for Data Developers. Join us and embark on an exciting journey towards becoming a proficient data developer.

The attached file is a sample of Slides, containing the Data Warehouse part which is the main task of the Data Engineer on daily work.

This material is the PDF file which has 230 slides for explaining to you how to become a better data engineer, with every mandatory of engineering and fundamental knowledge of data concepts.

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P/s: Please reach out to me if you have any questions related to this course. Thanks.

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