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Somatic Languaging ~ A 2.5 hour introduction workshop for Embodiment Teachers with Delamay Devi

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Somatic Languaging ~ A Workshop for Embodiment Teachers with Delamay Devi

When we are grounded in our awareness, we can be more present with what we are experiencing in our bodies — in all the spaces that live between our head and our feet.” ~ Raegan Robinson

Somatic: Relating to the material body as separate from the mind, soul or spirit. A Latinised form of the Greek word; sōmatikos meaning of the body.

Somatic languaging speaks directly to the cells and subtle body, it encompasses the mind-body action, engaging the senses and overall perception of the entire experience. It’s all about getting curious, descriptive and staying close to what's happening in and around the body.

The language we use contributes to and influences our students' embodiment journey from the moment we greet them to the moment we say goodbye. It also leaves a residue within their energy field which can influence their entire day.

By using and becoming fluent in Somatic languaging we offer our students a richer and more aware experience, leaving them and their nervous system feeling deeply nourished, emotionally cared for and at ease.

During this 2.5 hour workshop you'll experience and learn:

~ The origins of Somatics and the different types of modalities.

~ Movement as a Somatic practice.

~ Refining the poetry of the body.

~ Different styles of languaging.

~ How to engage Somatically.

~ Integrating Somatic languaging in your classes.

~ A Somatic yoga, movement and meditation practice with Delamay.

~ Plus there'll be time for Q + A and group discussion.

For our time together today you’ll need the somatic languaging booklet and writing material, a yoga mat and any props you like to use plus a comfortable place to sit during the theory part of our session.

Suitable for all teachers of embodiment, including yoga, dance, fitness instructors, personal trainers and coaches.

Feedback from workshop attendees:

"Thank you for the teachings today and beautiful practices in the light of experience <3"

Supna, Ireland

"I just want to say thank you for this sharing. I am grateful to reconnect with you. It feels nourishing and enlivening to come into my body this way and feels this strong sense of understanding and purpose inside.🙏"

Patrick, Holland

About Delamay Devi: A Senior Prana Vinyasa yoga teacher trainer, mentor, writer and DJ of sacred beats. Delamay is well known internationally for her embodied offerings that are fueled with inspiration and infectious enthusiasm. She is honored to assist Shiva Rea for more than a decade and is passionate about sharing movement as medicine and yoga philosophy in sync with the natural cycles of existence. Delamay's embodiment teaching journey started around the age of 14 when she was teaching dance and never looked back! Her Gemini rising gifts her with a unique understanding and sensitivity to the energetics of words and translating the poetry of the body. Delamay's dance movement therapy background brings a Somatic approach to her embodiment languaging which she can't wait to share with you during this workshop!

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