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T48 Gun Motor Carriage

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The T48 Gun Motor Carriage was an experimental self-propelled gun developed by the United States during World War II. It was based on the chassis of the M3 Lee/Grant medium tank and was designed to provide mobile artillery support to armored units. Here are some details about the T48 Gun Motor Carriage:

  1. Armament: The T48 Gun Motor Carriage was armed with a 75mm M3 howitzer as its main gun. The howitzer was capable of firing high-explosive shells to provide indirect fire support against enemy positions and fortifications. The vehicle also had a .50 caliber machine gun for anti-aircraft and anti-personnel defense.
  2. Chassis: The T48 utilized the chassis of the M3 Lee/Grant tank, which featured a distinct design with a sponson-mounted main gun in the hull and a turret-mounted secondary gun. The T48 retained the hull-mounted gun position but eliminated the turret, replacing it with an open-top superstructure to accommodate the howitzer.
  3. Crew and Protection: The T48 had a crew of four members, including the commander, gunner, loader, and driver. The open-top superstructure provided minimal protection for the crew against small arms fire and shell fragments but offered little defense against direct hits from enemy tanks.
  4. Mobility: The T48 Gun Motor Carriage shared the mobility characteristics of the M3 Lee/Grant tank. It was powered by a gasoline engine, which allowed it to reach a top speed of around 25 miles per hour (40 kilometers per hour). Its mobility was comparable to other medium tanks of the time, but its size and weight made it less maneuverable and more challenging to transport compared to dedicated artillery pieces.
  5. Development and Production: The T48 was an experimental vehicle developed to explore the concept of a self-propelled howitzer using the M3 tank chassis. However, due to limitations in terms of crew protection and the design's overall effectiveness, the T48 did not progress beyond the prototype stage. It was not mass-produced or widely deployed in combat.
  6. Successor: The T48 Gun Motor Carriage paved the way for the development of more advanced and purpose-built self-propelled artillery vehicles, such as the M7 Priest, which utilized the chassis of the M4 Sherman tank and featured fully enclosed armored compartments for crew protection.

The T48 Gun Motor Carriage was an experimental self-propelled howitzer based on the M3 Lee/Grant tank chassis. While it did not see extensive production or combat use, it contributed to the development of subsequent self-propelled artillery vehicles that proved more effective in providing mobile fire support on the battlefield.

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