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The Phoenix Awakens

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The Phoenix Awakens is a poetry prose of empowerment and self-love book. It is about a young woman's life awakened to reclaim her power of self-love, safe thinking, and self-actualization. Koi thought her new path was bright but it was actually a constricting illusion. This new way squeezed the life out of her and silenced her fire. By the choices of another, her inner Phoenix roused her to life. Little did she know, she was actually emerging to feel the warmth of light and life. With ankh in hand, she would go on to give life and hope while creating a new life of her own. Koi Nikole walks with you through her experiences which are similar to many who have dealt with others with controlling behaviors. If you have ever felt muzzled, walking on eggshells, chained, oppressed or experienced controlling behavior, each poem is a realization of freedom to "self". Koi journeys from drowning to treading to swimming and winning medals. You are not alone and you must remember your power is YOU and by your choices. Hey … Be Amazing!

Love y’all, Koi Nikole, M.A.