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Yours - A Moment Forever Wedding - ebook

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In honor of A Moment Forever's First Anniversary, I dedicate the sequel epilogue to the growing Sisterhood of the Swan whom AMF was dedicated to: The Sisterhood of the Swan was founded by my mother, now married 68 years to the boy next door.

"Women who believe in soul mates, enduring love, re-kindled love, and finding love a second time around." These ideals, along with the significance of the swan (mute swans stay together for life,) are just some of the elements that make AMF such a special book in my heart. There are many themes, but the one that reaches out from the pages is love - love of all kinds: romantic, parental, sisterly, patriotic, sacrificial.

Made available only through this Limited Supply, Special Edition paperback is also available for purchase.

You're cordially invited to Ducky and Pistol's Wedding!! The past is over, and with their family they are looking to the future now.

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