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The Spells We Tell Ourselves

A podcast talking about Mindset, Manifestation, and adding Magic in to your business and everyday life

The Group Program to Manifest the Lifestyle of your Dreams

Join this powerful group to:

  • Get that income level of your dreams so you can finally book that summer vacation that you still have open on one of your tabs, south of France Here we come!
  • Have a community of supportive business owners who are also putting in the aligned work so we are each other's living proof that this is possible! Elevating each other only makes it happen faster.
  • Manifest with a group so when you have the hard days (hey, you're human) we can lift your spirits and get back into abundance
  • Sign up for the middle of the day yoga class because your business is thriving so much that you can quit your 9-5 and make your own schedule.
  • Attract more abundance so you can buy the organic strawberries from the grocery store with no worries over the bank account.

We can speak our dream lives into existence

The group activation that takes you to your highest self. We meet in a group so we can feed our collective magic to each other to make our manifestations happen.

This isn't like the other manifestation mentorships (or a course with no support) you might have seen in the past.

In this program we look at subconscious blocks and rewrite your inner monologue so you can set yourself up for success. Instead of saying things like "Hold the vision, trust the process" we're going to demolish the scarcity block that is making you doubt yourself in the first place.

Tap into your inner magic and learn to trust your intuition. Use this inner magic and your intuition to manifest abundance and became the business goddess that you already are.

The divinity lives inside of you, we just got to pull it out.

We got:

Weekly zoom calls to activate each other's inner magic and freshen our mindsets,

Slack Channel group chat to tap into the collective whenever you need

1 tarot for self-reflection readings a month and private coaching call to get that individualized support.

1 post coaching call for when you need a tune up for whenever the ish starts to feel too much.

And I'll be sending you crystals, feathers, herbs, self-love spell jar, or another witchy thing that matches your energy and needs (please tell me if your allergic to stuff!)

Take a quantum leap for your mindset. We are going to change the way you think about things and the way you view YOURSELF.

Investment Options:

3 Month Commitment:

2222 paid in full

Or $888 a month (please email me or DM me on IG to set up monthly invoice)

Pricing Plan

Pay it Monthly

per month for 3 months

Paid in Full

Enter the Shadow
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Begin the shadow journey to uncover your blocks, rewrite your limiting beliefs, and manifest the life of your dreams.

You will get the following files:
  • PDF (5MB)
  • MP3 (9MB)