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Practical Steps to Healing: The HeArt Chakra. (E-Book & Guided Meditation/Singing Sound-Bowl Audio)

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It is important to know that we as humans do not only have physical bodies, but we have energetic bodies as well. Chakras are specific points within the energetic body that hold different energy/information. The Heart Chakra governs our ability to openly and freely give and receive Love.

Imbalance of the Heart Chakra can result in diseases and illnesses such as:
- Heart Disease
- Cardiovascular Disease
- Issues as it Relates to the Circulatory System
- Issues as it Relates to the Thymus Gland/Breast Issues
- High & Low Blood Pressure

Some Causes/Evidence/Symptoms of an Imbalance of the Heart Chakra Can Include:
- Emotional Trauma
- You Have Experienced Abuse (Mental, Physical, Spiritual, Emotional) in Relationships
- Feelings of Unworthiness
- Heart Related Dis-Eases that "Run in the Family"
- Stress, Depression

What it can look like to have a Heart Chakra that is Balanced and Activated:
- You are Practicing Forgiveness
- You are attracting Genuine Love-Filled experiences and Trusting Them
- You have a Profound Love For Nature
- You Practice Self-Love in Endless Ways

In the book, Danielle will walk you through the symptoms, how to approach healing from the root level, what foods to eat to heal on an energetic level & PREVENT MANY dis-Eases and illnesses that are plaguing our communities, and guide you through a calming meditation/sound bath that you can listen to daily, that can/will be a powerful healing tool on your journey.

This package includes the E-Book as a PDF file, and a private YouTube link to access the guided meditation. The guided meditation also comes in the form of an audio mp3.

The meditation audio is about 13 minutes but it will feel as though time does not exist.

PDF: Compatible with: PC/Mac, iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch (using apple books), Android, NOOK, NOOK Color, and NOOK Tablet, Sony Reader & Other eReaders, Kindle, Kindle Fire.

**PRO TIP: If you click on the words in the book that are underlined, it will take you to helpful videos and how to's ;-) try it! For example, on page 15.

Book ISBN: 978-1-716-38435-6


There are no refunds offered for this product.

*this product pairs well with "self-Love bath blend". (see healing tools)

**this makes for a great gift for a friend whom you know is healing from heartbreak: break up, divorce, or has had parents who have gone through divorce. share the healing, far and wide!
You will get the following files:
  • PDF (6MB)
  • MP3 (28MB)