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Adaptable Youth VIDEO E-learning course

"The eLearning course, 'Adaptable YOUth: Navigating Life's Challenges,' empowers 13-17 year-olds with practical skills in adaptability, resilience, and critical thinking to navigate and respond to life's diverse challenges confidently."

Why this course?

In a rapidly evolving world, where change is the only constant, young people often face new and unexpected challenges.

The "Adaptable YOUth" eLearning course is designed to fill this gap. It provides a structured yet flexible framework for young individuals to develop these crucial life skills. Through interactive content, practical exercises, and reflective learning, it aims to transform their approach to life's challenges, turning obstacles into stepping stones for success. In a constantly changing world, this course is not just an educational program; it's a toolkit for thriving in the 21st century.

OUR Partnership


Towarzystwo Oświatowe Ziemi Chrzanowskiej from Poland


1 - Coaching Bulgaria Association from Bulgaria

2 - SMART IDEA, Igor Razbornik s.p. from Slovenia

3 - Youthfully Yours SK from Slovakia

4 - ABC Consulting Group from Bulgaria


This course is supported by Erasmus+ programme and is FREE of charge.

Course curriculum