This book offers a critically important perspective to consider about the current and near future of “Artificial Intelligence” or AI in short. AI is a powerful new tool that offers many positive and beneficial uses, and unfortunately it can also be used for evil.
The point of the book is that while the currently demonstrated capability of AI is impressive, that the term AI it’s self is a misnomer of what AI really is. This book gives a clear overview of current AI endeavors at the top companies, and more importantly the potential for misunderstanding, misuse, and outright deception.
The book avoids going down the rabbit hole of the “terminator scenario” that so many current writers of the topic tend to explore. Also, as importantly it doesn't appear to be one of the many self-generated Chat GPT generated “books” of the subject of AI.
It is well written and clear explanation of a powerful wave of new technology that is upon all of us (like it or not). The fresh perspective of this book is something every user of AI must consider before allowing the use of AI in their lives and by their families. Highly recommended – I give it a 4.5 star rating.