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The Romance of the Revolution

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A 132,000-plus-word collection of stories and anecdotes from the American Revolution (1775–1783) published in 1870 as a reprint of an 1858 version which was itself a reprint of the original 1852 version.  This eBook version has thirty illustrations which were not included in the print versions.

Publishing stories about the Revolutionary War used to be a cottage industry for small American publishers.  Readers never seemed to tire of reading them, even stories with which they were already familiar.  Sadly, we live in a different era now, when the principles and struggles of the American Revolution are out of style, and much of the American public is ignorant of their own history.  Many of these stories, well-documented though they be, might seem too fantastic and amazing for the modern reader to believe—readers will find themselves thinking, “Wow! why doesn’t Hollywood make a movie about this?”  And since a surprisingly large percentage of these stories involve women, the politically-correct Hollywood crowd should be all over them... one would think.

Preparing old books for digital publication is a labor of love at Travelyn Publishing.  We hold our digital versions of public domain books up against any others with no fear of the comparison.  Our conversion work is meticulous, utilizing a process designed to eliminate errors, maximize reader enjoyment, and recreate as much as possible the atmosphere of the original book even as we are adding the navigation and formatting necessary for a good digital book.  While remaining faithful to a writer’s original words, and the spellings and usages of his era, we are not above correcting obvious mistakes.  If the printer became distracted after placing an ‘a’ at the end of a line and then placed another ‘a’ at the beginning of the next line (they used to do this stuff by hand you know!), what sort of mindless robots would allow that careless error to be preserved for all eternity in the digital version, too?  Not us.  That’s why we have the audacity to claim that our re-publications are often better than the originals.

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