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LL Fur Slippers Set F+M

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You need winrar or winzip to open a rar archive.


Use rules:

1. Always credit me as the original maker of the files. If you are asked where your files were purchased from, always refer my shops or social media.

2. DO NOT resell, redistribute or share the files attached to this email! You are granted only CATALOGUE USE! NO resell rights available at the moment.

3. I am adding 2 chkns - one derived directly from the imvu empty derivable and one derived from an empty derivable by me (on the LaLov @ imvu account) with a 25 crs mark-up. You can pick which one to use. I would appreciate it a lot if you used the one with the mark-up but not forcing anyone to do anything they don't want. Derivable link -




LM/LL (c) 2009-2023

All rights reserved.

You will get a RAR (3MB) file