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Swept Away By Murder

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The estate of a retired judge, Sir Edward Banfield. He invites a recently paroled ex-con, Paul Collier, to gauge the effect of a lengthy sentence on his behavior. The judge intends to prove his insight into human nature is always correct.

Meantime, Harold Nomoney arrives and is pursuing the judge’s niece, Jane, but the judge objects to their marriage thus creating much friction.

Jane manages the judge’s portfolio and doubled his holdings, but she has something to hide. There is something sinister brewing between Lady Eleanor and Sir Percy Pews, the judge’s elegant second wife and his old law partner. Even the innocuous domestics, the very proper English butler and the cook have their secrets.

With mounting tension between several characters, it’s not long before someone lashes out in a lethal fashion, and soon the police are called to sort out the trouble.
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