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Email Marketing For Authors

Are you the type of author who cringes at the thought of spending potentially endless hours learning how to build a welcome sequence or figuring out what to email your readers week-to-week/month-to-month?

Have you tried to learn it, but stalled in the setup? Or have you thought about starting a newsletter, but stumble when you try to put the system in place?

Hey! I'm Morgana and I love playing with systems.

Welcome sequences, testing newsletters, learning new automation styles and trialling new website builders are things I do to decompress. It's like the background noise that relaxes you... only I'm getting productive tasks out of the way at the same time.

Did you just shudder?

It came as a shock to me when an author friend pointed out that not everyone enjoys tweaking websites or stripping their entire email system to the ground, starting from scratch. A realisation that caused me to pause.

I love helping authors, removing at least one of the stress points in this lonely business. So here I am, figuring out how I can help make at least one piece of your business extra easy.

If you'd like to hand your welcome sequence worries off to someone else and focus on getting people to your list, or better yet, writing... then maybe you should outsource. 

Choose a pricing plan

New Welcome Sequence

5 emails written and set up inside your Mailerlite or Convertkit account.
  • Tags/Groups added to organise your list
  • Routes setup to exclude current subscribers from re-entering the full sequence.
  • Reorganisation of your list if needed.
  • One video call to get into the nitty-gritty of your brand.
  • Email Support once the setup is complete

Re-Engagement Campaign

  • 3 emails written and set up inside your Mailerlite or Convertkit account.
  • Setting up a tag/group to easily enter inactive subscribers into the sequence.
  • Email support once the setup is complete.

Existing Sequence Tweaks

  • Text-based tweaks to existing sequences. E.g. new book text to add, new blurbs or altering dates.
  • Additional list organisation.
  • Not available if structural changes are needed. At that point, we'll be working with a brand new sequence.

To book Newsletter Management and Klaviyo set ups, please contact me first. Rates will vary depending on the scoop of the work.

The Suppliers I Use

What people are saying

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Morgana created a wonderful and relevant Welcome Sequence that incorporated my voice as an author to better introduce readers into my specific brand. I was able to easily duplicate sequences to be repurposed for other bonus material and round robins.

— Paula Dombrowiak, Rock Star Romance Author

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I can highly recommend her service as she helped me with everything from my Mailerlite account to newsletter setup and sequencing. I didn’t know what to do with the list of emails I received for people who signed up to be on my mailing list and working full time was struggling and Morgana helped me from beginning to end.

— Carrie Austin-Malone, Romance Author

How I Can Help You?

If you'd rather hire someone to handle your setup and newsletter maintenance, then look no further. Between books and courses from the likes of Holly Darling HQ and Newsletter Ninja, I've tested multiple sequences, played with content to increase clicks and engage new subscribers.

The learning never ends, however, and I continue to absorb all the information available on email marketing.

This is a simple part of my business. I'd love to make it simple for you.

  • Build a sequence of your choosing. This can be welcome sequences from bonus content, reader magnets or general takeover events, or re-engagement sequences to run a final test on inactive subscribers before you cull the list.
  • Add tags and groups to segment your list and help you gather important marketing information automatically, such as tropes, books read and preferred retailers. 
  • Write all the content. Between my Google Form and a brief video call, I'll gather all the information needed to write your welcome sequence emails.
  • Manage and write your newsletter. This is pretty self-explanatory I think. We'll put a structure in place and make a plan for your newsletters, laying out the month or year so we know what needs to take focus.
  • Set up and write your Klaviyo flows. This is the newest beast intimidating authors. It's a totally different mindset to author newsletters or sequences. I've gone through that set up on my own store so I can understand why this one will give even the most fearless of email marketers pause.

Save time & stress. Hire me to build your sequences, organise your automations and manage your newsletter.

Choose a pricing plan

New Welcome Sequence

5 emails written and set up inside your Mailerlite or Convertkit account.
  • Tags/Groups added to organise your list
  • Routes setup to exclude current subscribers from re-entering the full sequence.
  • Reorganisation of your list if needed.
  • One video call to get into the nitty-gritty of your brand.
  • Email Support once the setup is complete

Re-Engagement Campaign

  • 3 emails written and set up inside your Mailerlite or Convertkit account.
  • Setting up a tag/group to easily enter inactive subscribers into the sequence.
  • Email support once the setup is complete.

Existing Sequence Tweaks

  • Text-based tweaks to existing sequences. E.g. new book text to add, new blurbs or altering dates.
  • Additional list organisation.
  • Not available if structural changes are needed. At that point, we'll be working with a brand new sequence.

To book Newsletter Management and Klaviyo set ups, please contact me first. Rates will vary depending on the scoop of the work.

Contact Us

Have questions? Feel free to pop me an email with the contact form and we can discuss your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is your Cancellation Policy?

If you have to cancel your appointment more than 24 hours in advance, we can reschedule or you can get a full refund. If you cancel less than 24 hours before our meeting, I will charge a £20 rescheduling/cancellation fee.

If you don’t attend the consultation without prior warning, you can rebook with a 50% discount.

If I have to reschedule or cancel less than 48 hours in advance, you will either get a full refund or an extra 30 minutes at our rescheduled session.

Why Do You Need A Welcome Sequence?

Have you ever set up an account with a store or software and totally forgotten you did it? Then, months later, you get a random product launch or sales email from them. It's something you might be vaguely interested in, but there's just one problem.

You wonder "How did they get my email?"

Now think of this from a reader's perspective.

They join your list for a free bonus epilogue or book. Then they totally forget. They aren't superfans yet and your name fades into the background. Three months later, you have a new release out and blast it out to all your subscribers.

Can you guess what happens next?

If you're lucky, they'll just scratch their heads, wonder how they got onto your mailing list and continue on with their day. But realistically? A good chunk will unsubscribe. Or worse, mark you as spam.

Enter the welcome sequence.

Imagine that instead of handing out the freebie and dropping those readers onto your list, you tried to engage them and ease them into your brand. They spend a couple of weeks getting a taste of what you can offer, learning about the rest of the series, building expectations and, most of all, getting reminders of HOW they joined your list.

Then, when their time in the training zone is up, they move into the general populace with everyone else. Granted, they could unsub at any time, but you now know you've done everything possible to entice them deeper into your brand and books.