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Yushan Tataka Trailhead

Yushan Premium Service

Important Information About Yushan National Park Permits

While Yushan National Park offers advanced permit applications for foreign nationals, only 24 spots are available from Sunday to Thursday, excluding holidays in Taiwan.

If you plan to hike Yushan next month, the chances of getting a permit are slim unless you're very lucky.

Here's how our process works:

  1. Contact Us: Write the 'I want to hike Yushan' form below with the dates you want to hike.
  2. Free Availability Check: We will check if those dates are available for free. If none are available, we'll suggest other hiking options. You can change your hiking dates if you still want to hike Yushan. Otherwise, we can't help you.
  3. Booking Our Premium Service: If spots are available, we'll send you a PayPal link for the fee. Once you agree and provide your personal information, we'll secure the spot for you immediately.

Note: The best time to apply for the Yushan advanced application is 4 months before your hiking dates.

What's Included:

Please Read FAQs and Agree Before You Purchase Our Service!

Please Read FAQs and Agree Before You Purchase Our Service!

FAQs about Yushan Application

Can you guarantee that I will get a permit?

We don't like to waste your time or ours, so we offer a free availability check before applying for your permits. However, spots can fill up quickly because others are also applying for them.

To increase your chances, provide a flexible schedule and apply early. Yushan National Park accepts advanced applications from 4 months to 35 days before the hike.

How many permits do I need to hike Yushan?

You need two permits: a Park Permit and a Police Permit. If you purchase our Yushan Premium Service, we will apply for both permits for you.

When can I get the permits to download?

The Park Permit can only be downloaded 5 days before your hike. With our Yushan Premium Service, we'll show you how to print them at any 7-11 store in Taiwan.

Can you just apply for the permits for us while we handle the rest?

We did contemplate this option but decided against it for several reasons:

  1. We list our name as your emergency contact on the National Park website. If anything happens, the park will call us.
  2. If issues arise or you have questions, you'll likely reach out to us for help. We don't want to say, "Sorry, this is out of scope."
  3. If you prefer to handle the rest yourself, check out our permit application guides and paid checklist.

Can I reschedule my hike after the permit is issued and the hiking arrangement is made?

We understand things happen, and we can reschedule your hike. However, the Yushan National Park only allows cancellations, not rescheduling. Therefore, we would need to cancel your existing permit and reapply for new dates, starting the entire process over. We will charge 50% of the original service fee for this service for the second application and arrangement.

How do I get to the trailhead?

We will help you arrange your transport, whether you want to take public transport or hire a driver (ranging from NTD8,000 to NTD17,000, depending on where you want to be picked up) or rent a car to drive to the trailhead.

What We Need?

To proceed with the application, we need the following information for each member of your team.

By providing this information, you authorize us to apply on your behalf.


  • The Date You Want to Hike (the more flexible, the better):
  • Full Name:
  • Passport Number:
  • Nationality:
  • Date of Birth:
  • Phone Number:
  • Current address:
  • Email address:
  • Emergency contact (family member) in your home country and their phone number:
  • Copies of your passports (PDF or JPEG).

We will handle your data with the utmost care. However, we understand if you still have concerns. If you prefer, you can apply for the permits yourself to ensure your peace of mind. Thank you for understanding!

I want to hike Yushan!

Service fee for a group of 1-2 people is USD90.

Service fee for a group of 3-4 people is USD130.

Please specify the following in the Message box:

  • Your nationality and where you currently live
  • The dates you'd like to hike Yushan
  • The number of people in your group
  • Do you want to take public transport, hire private transport, or drive to the trailhead?