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Trauma Mama Handbook

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Are you considering becoming a foster or adoptive parent? Already in the thick of it and wondering if you've bitten off more than you can chew? You're in the right place.

Welcome to the "Trauma Mama Handbook: What I Wish I Knew Before Becoming a Foster and Adoptive Parent," your go-to guide penned by Antoinette—an experienced mom of three decades and the proud parent of five incredible, neurotypical, and neurodivergent children from various Black, White, and Multi-Cultural backgrounds.

What's Inside:

  • Things I Wish I Had Known Before Becoming a Foster and Adoptive Parent: Learn the unspoken truths, from legal complexities to the emotional toll it can take, that Antoinette wishes she had known. Her insights are an invaluable head start for those considering this life-changing commitment.
  • Coping with Daily Stress and Children: Parenting is hard. Parenting children with traumatic pasts can be harder. Gain practical coping strategies that range from setting boundaries to establishing a self-care routine.
  • Trauma-Informed Parenting: The emotional and psychological needs of foster and adoptive children can be quite distinct from those of biological children. Understand the science of trauma and how to adapt your parenting style to help your child heal and thrive.
  • 3 Ways to Respond to Emotional Signals of Your Child: Emotional intelligence is key when dealing with children from hard places. Learn three effective ways to read and respond to your child's emotional cues to help them feel understood and secure.
  • The Importance of Family Rituals: Family rituals offer more than just tradition; they provide stability and a sense of belonging. Learn how to create and sustain meaningful family rituals that solidify your family's unique identity.

From cover to cover, Antoinette serves as your mentor, sharing not only her successes but also her setbacks in a candid, relatable manner. Her expertise shines through every page, providing firsthand advice and emotional support that can only come from someone who has walked the path themselves.

If you're seeking a comprehensive guide that leaves no stone unturned, the "Trauma Mama Handbook" is the guide you'll want to keep on your nightstand. Whether you're a seasoned foster parent, considering adoption, or are completely new to this world, this book is a compass that will point you toward becoming the effective, compassionate parent these extraordinary children need.

Dive in and give yourself the wisdom to make your foster and adoptive parenting journey a fulfilling, love-filled experience. You—and your future family—will be glad you did.

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