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The Yellow Frigate; or, The Three Sisters

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This 1855 novel by historian and author James Grant takes the reader to the year 1488 and tells the story of unlucky sovereign James III., King of Scotland 1460–1488, and his son, James IV.; the three beautiful Drummond sisters, daughters of John Drummond, first Lord Drummond (died 1519) whose tragic romances were affected by the same political intrigues that doomed the king; and heroic, never-defeated Sir Andrew Wood of Largo—the “Scottish Nelson”—whose “Yellow Caravel” (or frigate) became the novel’s eponymous title.

Written by an historian with sufficiently loyal adherence to factual events to warrant including occasional footnotes and a section of historical notes at the end, this is dependable historical fiction at its most fascinating.

Preparing old books for digital publication is a labor of love at Travelyn Publishing.  We hold our digital versions of public domain books up against any others with no fear of the comparison.  Our conversion work is meticulous, utilizing a process designed to eliminate errors, maximize reader enjoyment, and recreate as much as possible the atmosphere of the original book even as we are adding the navigation and formatting necessary for a good digital book.  While remaining faithful to a writer’s original words, and the spellings and usages of his era, we are not above correcting obvious mistakes.  If the printer became distracted after placing an ‘a’ at the end of a line and then placed another ‘a’ at the beginning of the next line (they used to do this stuff by hand you know!), what sort of mindless robots would allow that careless error to be preserved for all eternity in the digital version, too?  Not us.  That’s why we have the audacity to claim that our re-publications are often better than the originals.

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