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Native American Legends

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Native American Legends

Sequoyah of the Cherokee developed an alphabet for his people so that the written word could become part of his people's legacy, but beyond that much of what is known by Indians and about Indians has passed from mouth to mouth - generation to generation. Native American stories that originated in the lodges and camp fires of days long gone still are told today, and without that effort, the past would be lost. In recent times many have made an effort to record the voices of the fires, so that in the event there is no one left to listen, the stories of a simple, sincere and gravely thoughtful people living as part, and in and harmony with, the great world around them would not be lost forever.

Reading these American Indian legends here will allow you to consider the simplest of things, and perhaps fathom their meaning and learn the lessons they offer.  You will see that this collection of stories is filled with many different kinds of creation stories, from how the universe was created to how man himself came to be or how different animals and even plants, like corn, were created. 

The American Indian imagination glowed with unique imagery and complexity.

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