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How to Research and Create Your Own Unique Family Tree

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Have you ever wondered just how you came to be born where you were or why you look the way you look?

Have you ever wondered if your family line includes villainous criminals and/or noble do-gooders?

Well, the truth is that every family has many stories to tell - and now you can learn how to uncover your family's stories quickly and easily... without spending a fortune traveling around the globe or hiring a genealogist or making the same costly beginners' mistakes others often make with they venture into the world of genealogy!

This guide reveals step-by-easy-step:

  •  How to begin your genealogical research - you'll be amazed at how easy it is to get the information you're after when you follow these simple tips!
  • Exactly where to look to learn more about your family members - even those secretive or long-forgotten members who you can't find anything about!
  • How to find and access online genealogy databases - this is a great way to simplify as well as speed up your family tree research!
  • How to conduct international genealogy research - without spending your life savings on travel!
  • How to go high tech to create your family tree - even if you don't know the first thing about computers!
  • How to start keeping family records for future generations - just think how appreciative your children and their children and so on will be of your efforts!
  • And much, much more!

Got a pencil? Got a notebook?

Good! You’ve got yourself the basic tools for genealogy!

To begin your journey through the ages with your family, this is all you need.  Oh, sure, as you dig deeper you may need a bit more in the way of working tools, but if you have these two items now, you’re ready to get started.

If you’re like most of us -- excited about a new project or hobby -- you’ll undoubtedly read through the entire book at first.  At least you’ll quickly peruse it, taking in the points that interest you most at first.  And that’s fine!  That’s how you build excitement.

Next, you’ll no doubt want to sit down with the very beginning of the book and read over the first few chapters.  These pages provide you with the absolute essentials about initiating a trek into your past.

At that point, you may want to put the book aside and start digging!  And that’s fine because you’re going to start climbing your family tree with the relatives you know best – you and those around you. 

Have you ever wondered if you are related to somebody famous - like Jesse James or George Washington or Napoleon or even Queen Elizabeth?
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