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Summary of the book Nuclear Weapons_ A Very Short Introduction

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Where is the world going? Can a date expire in minutes? Can a man

One to lead the whole world to its own death? What happens to the body when it is exposed to radiation

What is the definition of nuclear power, when did it appear, and why was it invented in the first place?

How has the international community acted in the face of this evil created by human hands?

You will find the answers to the above questions in the summary of the book Nuclear Weapons: Introduction

Very short

Authors : Joseph M. Siracusa

About the book:

In 1945, the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima reached 20,000 tons and killed

About 140,000 people. What could happen worse? Maybe that's the mouthpiece of all

Who witnessed that dark era of history, but in 1952 the worst happened, when

The U.S. tested the Mike, which was five hundred times more powerful than the bomb.

dumped on Hiroshima. In 2007, the worst and worst happened, as Russia had

Nuclear weapons could wipe out humanity 29 times, while the United States could

United eliminated 18 times.

Who is this book for?

For researchers in peaceful and military nuclear energy.

For those interested in the development of global weapons.

For those interested in knowing how nuclear weapons began and to what they reached.

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