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Wavi's ultimate motion design pack.

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Welcome to my ultimate pack. 

This is to be looked at as an improvement in yourself and your brand as a creative. 

The mission of this pack is to educate, inform, and help aspiring designers persue their ideas. I will contine to update this pack, so if you want to enter and continue designing this is a great option. This is most likely the last pack I ever make.

This package includes everything you need to get started, including;

Project files - The canvas for all my designs, analyze my work and feel free to save any assets you find within. Nothing has been removed from these project files. They are 100% Authentic and include every step of the process.

Presets - Shortcuts to getting more done with less. Apply these presets to quickly add effects, animations, to your projects. Feel free to mess around and mix up these, you could find something 1000x better than whats presented to you.

Every letter of the alphabet animated - Including 3 fonts (Coolvetica lowercase, Provicali uppercase, and heading pro wide uppercase) (I DONT OWN THESE FONTS, THEY ARE ALL FREE TO USE AND I HAVE ANIMATED THEM FOR YOUR CONVIENIENCE.) These animated letters allow you to create animations within short periods of time. And tutorials will be included for how to use them correctly.

Private exlcusive discord - For the people who want to ask questions, request tutorials, and updates; this is the place for you.

Tutorials - Tutorials on basic to medium to hard topics. These help people get an idea of my thought process when im creating. 

Turorials include:
Masking letters
Helpful scripts (Scripts not included, I do not own them) Credits to all the people who created them.
How to create flow
Graph editor
How to utilize the masked letter animations in your own projects.
How to use expression shakes

I use a variety of plug-ins and software for my work. The items below are NECCASARY TO USE:

After effects, Media encoder (Media encoder not neccasary)
Deep glow
Shine (Trapcode)
(It is reccomended to have these before purchasing, due to the fact that i am unable to provide these.) 

By purchasing this product, You agree that the nature of this product (Digital) means that there are no refunds to be given under any circumstances (Unless you are deemed unelgible to recieve access). And you agree to not redistribute, modify, and/or tamper with this product. It is for one person per buy. Any redistribution of this pack gives Wavi full permission to terminate your access to both the discord as well as the google drive. Any fraudulent chargebacks that refer to this product will be countered. You also understand and agree that failure to have any required assets or software, and/or understand what you are buying is not a viable reason for a refund. 

With the launch of this pack, I will have tests ran on certain users who appear suspicious. And for the first 12H, i will be not giving access to avoid leaks. And there will be a queue for access. First come first serve. You agree that if we deem you non-elgible you are 100% Covered by my refund policy and will recieve a refund ASAP. You also agree by purchasing that you may not be elgible to recieve access, However as stated previously you will recieve a full refund. 
You will get a TXT (975B) file