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1 on 1 Instagram Growth Coaching

Get your profile optimized, learn effective growth, content creation, marketing, and sales tips to build the Instagram account of your DREAMS!

Welcome, dear Purple Gang member!

Welcome to the page that will show you everything you need to know about the "1 on 1 Instagram Growth Coaching". I will answer some of the most asked questions and I'll show you everything you need to know.

I'm a business owner on Instagram, how does this coaching help me?

First of all, you'll be making a new friend, that's me. Then what we will do together is take a look at your account, find what's wrong, what's your strategy, and what are your goals. I will equip you with unorthodox content techniques, introduce you to the best resources and give you ongoing tips to grow your account.

On top of all, we will learn how to instantly change your account's level and how to monetize it with multiple income streams, no matter the industry!

Why should I hire Gent for this coaching?

If you know me from Instagram, you know that I've grown to more than 95,000 organic followers. And not only I've grown my account to that number, but I've built a community of loyal supporters and customers called "The Purple Gang".

I've built and developed a 6-figure-worth business, operating on e-commerce, freelancing, and coaching all from Instagram.

So who better could teach you than someone whose results can be seen and proven?

What will I learn from this coaching?

Let me get you through everything that will be explained through this coaching program:

1) Profile analysis and audit:

Your profile will be analyzed by me. I will discover what the problems are and I will provide the solutions. I will also give tips on improving the aesthetics of your Instagram profile to instantly upscale it.

2) Bio optimization:

I'll take a look at your bio and optimize it using "The 4 sentences" that instantly make a difference.

3) Content Creation tips and audit:

You will receive content creation tips to master and optimize this activity as well as receive two editable Canva templates as bonuses: 1 carousel and 1 single post template.

4) Hashtag research:

I will share with you two secrets: 1 app and 1 website that are on top when it comes to hashtag research. With those, your hashtags will never lack results after!

5) Q & A:

I will answer every question that you have regarding Instagram with my experience during and after the coaching.

And not just those! I also have 2 huge bonuses for you!!

Once you attain this coaching program, you'll become part of "The Purple Gang" and for that, I'll reward you with 2 bonuses.

1) "Out of the World" e-book:

That's right, my most complete e-book "Out of the World" will be delivered to you for FREE through this coaching program. A global hit e-book with more than 200 pages full of value. Learn: Instagram Growth, Content Creation, Graphic Design, and Business/Freelancing in details. Value: $46.99. Here you get it for FREE!

2) 1 Carousel Template and 1 Single Post Template:

I will also give you a carousel and a single post template that you can start using for your posts and instantly upscale your aesthetics. 4 styles to choose from: Pastel, Simple & Minimal, Bold & Masculine and Futuristic. Value: Carousel templates from $11.99 to $19.99. Single post templates from $7.99 to $9.99. Here you get both of them for FREE!

Frequently Asked Questions

In what way/platform will the coaching be attained?

The coaching will be a 1 on 1 Zoom meeting with me. It will be recorded and the recording will be sent to you right after the coaching.

How does appointment scheduling work?

Once you click the "Enroll Here!" button, you'll be taken to my availability schedule for this particular coaching program. Simply choose a date that suits you best and I'll meet you then. I will notify you and send you a zoom link 30mins prior to the scheduled time.

Is it possible to buy coaching more than once?

For sure! You simply need to purchase coaching again and will be able to get access to another set of coaching sessions.

Before Your Session...

Please fill out the form below to help guide your coaching session.

Here's your next step

Enroll here
