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Skilled Nursing

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Home Care Program Includes:  Mentoring services to the client assisting with business start-up, business essentials (policies, forms, employee files, and client files) industry knowledge, marketing strategies for your non-medical/skilled nursing home care agency in the state of Georgia.

Home Care Consulting Services Include:          

·        3 Month Access to Mentoring Support after Provisional License

·         (6) 1:1 (3) hour phone coaching sessions (3) ½ hour coaching sessions (can be weekly, bi/weekly and or monthly) based on individual partnership need.

·        Assistance with business structure overview.

·        Professional email support and guidance

·        Mentoring on how to obtain EIN, NPI, Setting Up Local Employer Tax Accounts, Payroll.

·        Professional Guidance Regarding: Insurance Requirements (general liability, workers comp, Bond etc.

·        Office Set Up Strategies: Effective cost-effective solutions to obtaining office space, phone, fax, outsourcing etc.

·        Pricing Strategies to maximize profits

·        Establish Client Service Type(s).

·        Sales Strategies (How and where to solicit potential home care business).

·        Stream of Income (strategies on how to build relationships with 3rd party payers i.e., long-term insurance, workers comp etc.)

·        Networking Strategies (How and who to build strategic relationships with to encourage business growth).

·        Policy & Procedure Start-Up Documents, if applicable.

·        Home Care Day-to-Day “Must Have Forms”.

·        New Client Intake Forms.

·        New Employee Intake Forms/On-boarding procedures i.e. criminal background checks, office filing system.

·        Employee Hiring & Retention Strategies.

·        Roll Play (strategies on how to articulate your services to potential clients).


Disclaimer: This agreement does not guarantee an increase in financial revenue, your success, income gain, clients, pay fees associated with growing your business, tax and or legal advice.
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