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Napoleonic Era collection vol.3

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A collection of 100 titles on various aspects of the Napoleonic Era
All books are in PDF format. 0.73GB in total.

The titles are - 

A collection of orders, regulations, and instructions, for the army 1807
Military studies by Marshal Ney
Napoleon His Army and His Generals Their Unexampled Military Career
Napoleon against Russia. The campaign of 1806-07, December to June
Napoleon and his marshals
Napoleon Bonaparte and the siege of Toulon
Napoleon in council or, The opinions delivered by Bonaparte in the Council
Napoleon the gaoler - personal experiences and adventures of British sailors and soldiers
Napoleonic Empire – Flathe
Napoleon's men and methods
Narrative of a captivity and adventures in France and Flanders between 1803-09
Narrative of a captivity in France, from 1800-14 vols.1+2
Narrative of a private soldier in His Majesty's 92d regt of foot
Narrative of the life and adventures of Giovanni Finati vols.1+2
Narrative of the Sufferings and Adventures of private Portenger - de Meuron Swiss regt.
Notes and extracts of letters referring to Mr. Pitt and Walmer Castle, 1801-1806
Observations on diarrhoea and dysentery, particularly as these diseases appeared in the British campaign of Egypt, in 1801
Observations on the documents laid before Parliament including the evidence heard at the bar on the subject of the late expedition to the Scheldt
Observations on the Walcheren Diseases, which Affected the British Soldiers
Organization of the provisional US army in the anticipated war with France 1798-1800
Overcoming the Odds A Comparison of the 9th and 10th Military Districts During the Final Campaigns of the War of 1812
Paris During the Interesting Month of July, 1815
Particulars of the Expedition to Copenhagen, with an account of the siege 1807
Personal memoirs and letters of F. Werry
Personal recollections of the Empire
Personal Recollections of the Late Duc de Broglie vol.1
Political recollections relative to Egypt ... with a narrative of the ever-memorable British campaign in the spring of 1801
Prison scenes; and narrative of escape from France, during the late war
Prisoner of France - the memoirs, diary and correspondence of Charles Boothby
Prisoners of War in France from 1804 to 1814
Recollections of an officer of Napoleon - Elzear Blaze
Recollections of Colonel de Gonneville – vols.1+2
Recollections of the revolution and the empire
Regulations for the Exercise of Riflemen and Light Infantry 1803
Regulations to be observed in the regimental hospitals of the several corps in Jamaica 1797
Reminiscences of army life under Napoleon Bonaparte – DeVillargennes
Reminiscences of General Sir Thomas Makedougall Brisbane
Rules and regulations for the infantry 1807
Russia and the Ionian islands 1798-1807
Secret correspondence connected with mr. Pitt's return to office in 1804
Sketches of the Character, Conduct and Treatment of the Prisoners of War at Auxonne, Longwy, 1810-14
Some recollection in the life of Lieut.-Col. P.P. Nevill, late major 63rd Regt
Speeches ... in communicating thanks of the House of commons to military commanders, 1807-1816
Staff college essays
Standing orders and regulations -Gibraltar 1802
Statement of the case of Lt-General de Lancey
Summary account and military character of the different European armies – 1803
Sword exercise of the cavalry 1803
Talleyrand, a biographical study
The adventures of Thomas Williams - a POW in France
The army medical officer's manual upon active service
the art of war by Baron Jomini
The Autobiography and services of Sir James McGrigor, late director-general of the Army Medical Dept
The British Army, 1783-1802
The British Battalion at Oporto - with adventures, anecdotes, and exploits form Holland and Waterloo
The British Commissary 1801
The British in Capri, 1806-1808
the campaign in Candy in 1803
The Campaign to Defend Southwest France; 1st July 1813 - 14th April 1814
The Effects of Infectious Disease on Napoleon's Russian Campaign
The Elements of War - Maltby, 1811
The Experienced Officer - instructions for young officers
The Grand Duchy of Warsaw
The historical and unrevealed memoirs of the political and private life of Napoleon Buonparte from 1781 to 1798
The history of the wonderful battle of the brig-of-war General Armstrong with a British squadron, at Fayal, 1814
The Hussar by R.Gleig
The influence of Napoleon's continental system on Russian economy 1807-11
The Island Empire; or, Scenes of the First Exile of the Emperor Napoleon
The life of General, the Right Honourable Sir David Baird vol.1
The Life of Roderick Innes, Lately of H.M. 78th Regt
The manuscripts of Fortescue vols.1+2
The Memoirs of Baron Thiebault vol.1
The Napoleonic Campaign of 1805
The Napoleonic empire in southern Italy vol.2
The negotiations for the peace of the Dardanelles, in 1808-9 vol.2
The official correspondence relative to the negotiation for peace, between Great Britain and the French republick, 1797
The Official defence of General Moreau before the tribunal at Paris
The rise of the Dutch kingdom 1795-1813
The Soldier's Friend – 1798
The tactic of the British army - evolutions of the battalion,brigade and line 1804
The Trial of Major Campbell 21st Regt. June 1807
The uprising of June 20, 1792
The Veterans of Chelsea Hospital – vols.1-3
Travels in the year 1806 - From Italy to England
Twelve years military adventure - 1802-14 vols.1+2
Two Invasions of France - 1792 + 1795
Wellington's campaigns in India
With the 32nd in the Peninsular and other campaigns
A Narrative of the Events which Followed Bonaparte's Campaign in Russia
An historical survey of the foreign affairs of Great Britain 1808-10
Military memoir of the late Lt General Sir John McLeod RA
Military memoirs of four brothers - Fernyhough
Correspondence and Treaties with Foreign Powers, 1812-1813
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