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Redefine Your Life Purpose after a Life Transition

Inspired by a small herd of Friesian Hoses in the sun-blessed south of France

Are You Struggling to Manifest Your Next Chapter because you are not sure of You Life Purpose?

Your unique, must-have, one-and-only, perfect-fit, vitally important Life Purpose?

You can stop struggling right now.

The Redefine Your Life Purpose after a Life Transition on-demand online retreat will introduce you to a step-by-step process that will enable you to identify your unique life purpose and give you the clarity and certainty that you need so that you can reach your full potential.

During this DIY @home retreat, you will go from feeling frustrated, despondent and impotent, to knowing exactly what your current life purpose is, applicable specifically to your current life circumstances.

Before I tell you more about this life-redirecting exercise, let’s make sure this retreat is right for you:

If you’re someone that has a niggling inner feeling that there must be more to life than this, that you’re here to live a meaningful and impactful life, that you want to make a difference in other people’s lives, but you haven’t been able to figure out what it is that you’re meant to do…

And/or you…

Are stuck at a crossroads, unable to move forward with what you are meant to be doing with your life: you are going through a divorce, have an empty nest, are retiring, want a career change or to start your own business or to go back to school… You feel as if you are being called to do something significant but you just can’t figure out what it is…

And/or you…

No longer feel passionate about what you do, you have lost your mojo, you feel exhausted, overwhelmed and uninspired and are desperate to leave the rat race where it feels like it’s groundhog every day of the year (and then some…)

Then the Redefine Your Life Purpose after a Life Transition retreat is the solution you have been looking for.

At the end of this retreat, which can be completed in 2 hours, you will have:

  • Identified your life purpose clearly, so that you can use it to give your life direction, make the right decisions and live a more meaningful life (instead of wasting more time, energy and money trying to figure it out).
  • A life purpose which is fully aligned with your core values, strengths, skills and interests.
  • A written life purpose statement that you can review whenever you need guidance, a statement that will serve as a compass through challenges and change.
  • A clear picture of who you are now, where you want to go next and what brings joy, fulfilment and meaning to your life.
  • Much more confidence, knowing that your life purpose will enable you to live your best life, reach your full potential and make a positive difference to other people’s lives.

Invest in Your Future

Life Purpose Retreat


Course curriculum

  • 1
    Section 1 How Horses Can Help You Discover Your Life Purpose
  • 2
    Section 2 Discover and Design Your Life Purpose Inspired by Horses
    • Lesson 3 Desperately trying to find your Life Purpose?
    • Lesson 4 What makes you come alive?
    • Lesson 5 What makes your heart beat faster?
    • Lesson 6 What matters most to you?
    • Lesson 7 What are you good at?
    • Lesson 8 What gives your life meaning?
    • Homework Assignment: The Connection Between Your Values and Your Life Purpose
  • 3
    Horse Wisdom: The Art of Living Your Life on Purpose
    • Lesson 9 Live a Purposeful, Meaningful, Rewarding, Fulfilling and Impactful Life
    • Resources

Esprit Meraki Retreats in the South of France

Would you like to learn how to teach Mindfulness with the help of your Horses?

If you would like to earn a steady income with the help of your horse(s) while at the same time, help your friends, family and clients to manage and minimise the detrimental effects of stress on their mental and physical health, the Equine-Guided Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training, either as an online course, or an onsite course in the south of France is the course for you.

Subscribe to my Savoir Vivre Vignettes newsletter so that when I run last-minute/early-bird/just-because-I-feel-like-it special offers on my retreats, both online and onsite here in the south of France, you will be one of the first to know.