Google Sheets for Personal Finance
I love creating Google Sheets spreadsheets. Even if I wasn't able to monetise them and sell them online, I think I would still create them to use to keep my finances and small business in order.
I created my first Google Sheets template back in early 2020, right before the pandemic. I never monetised it - although looking back I wish I did! And after years of using various products I purchased off Etsy to track my finances, I decided nothing actually tracked all the metrics I wanted (and none of the metrics I didn't want) so I went back to a blank tab to make what I really wanted.
Through a lot of trial and error, googling formulas, and purchasing a number of additional spreadsheets off other creators to learn how to do a particular formula, I was able to make a Sinking Funds Tracker, two different Debt Dashboards, a Monthly Budget, and a Side Hustle/Small Business Tracker.
But I realised if I am spending so much time researching how-to and spending additional money on other spreadsheets to figure all these formulas and charts out, I am sure there are others who are doing the same! And so I created this - a How To Guide to Google Sheets for Personal Finance.
Google Sheets is a powerful tool for managing personal finances. This guide will walk you through the process of creating personal finance spreadsheets using Google Sheets. We will cover essential tips and tricks, commonly used formulas, editing charts, applying themes, and provide examples of personal finance spreadsheets. Additionally, we'll discuss how to sell your spreadsheets and where to find potential buyers.