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Treacherous Journey

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About this Book

This book contains 17 real stories of cancer patients. By writing these stories it is not my intention to criticise the medical profession. The language of love and compassion is not about who is right or wrong. it is about recognising limitations and exploring opportunities. Therefore, it is my sincere hope that you can benefit from the bitter experiences of those who had travelled this journey before you.

When you are told you have cancer, your world turns upside down. You go into a mad rush to get things fixed. Unfortunately, many people die due to their lack of knowledge. Many patients said, "I don't know all these." The irony is that some people read what we wrote, agreed with every page that was written but then they do not believe! That is your choice. Know that ignorance kills!

Take time to reflect on these quotations.

Don't put blind faith and trust in your doctors. Be your own doctor first ~ David Agus, M.D.

Trust me I am a doctor … and how often is the patient's trust abused … professional arrogance and ambition have led to transgression ~ Robert Youngson, M.D.

Decisions that are made out of fear and anxiety are always panic-driven and are usually bad decisions ~ Nicholas Gonzales M.D.

In the real world …. we've giving you this drug, because it's the standard. If it doesn't work then we'll try another. If that doesn't work, then we'll try a third ~ Joe brown, N.D.

In fact, most people who die from cancer are not dying from cancer, but from their treatments ~ Raymond Francis.

No wonder patients all over the world are moving away from conventional therapies in search of better options. Conventional therapies have failed ~ Michael Lam, M.D.

The Author

Chris K. H. Teo. Ph.D. was a former Professor of Botany. In May 1995, he and his wife Beng Im started CA Care. Our mission is to help the hopeless and helpless cancer patients find their healing. When you are told that you have no hope, we believe that there is still hope. To know more click these links: (English) (Bahasa Indonesia)



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