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Advanced Medical System

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Basic Informations

- Includes the Hospital Interior.

- Patient and Vehicle Panel with several options.

 - With <36 health, the Player get a Hurt Walkstyle and needs to go to the Hospital and look for a Medic to heal him. (Or set the Player HP to > 36)

- With < 30 health, the Player get unconscious for 10 minutes, needing to call the ambulance with the '/ambulance'  command.

- Release the Stretcher on ground with '/release' command.

 - Pickup the stretcher with '/pickup' command.

- To be able to revive the patient at the accident site, you will need to use the Defibrillator. You will have 5 chances to try to revive the patient.

If not, the patient will die.

- After placing the Patient in the ambulance and taking him to the hospital, you will take him to the ICU (Intensive Care Unit) room to operate the patient.

- After operating on the Patient, you will be taken to the recovery room for final treatment and then released.

- After the Patient has recovered, he will be given a wheelchair, in which he will stay for 2 minutes, not being able to jump and hit while in the chair.

- '/debug id' command for Admin ACL to reset System variables for a doctor.

- Command '/heal id' for Admin, SuperModerator or Moderator ACL for a fast player heal.

(The vehicle skin is not included)
You will get a ZIP (3MB) file