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I was in prayer some time ago and asked the Lord to bless my memory. He spoke to me so abruptly in my spirit (I don't use that term lightly - if God does not really speak to me I don't say, "God spoke to me." If I'm just impressed, or feel a nudge, I don't call that the voice of God). God doesn't waste too many words with me. Sometimes I wish He spoke a lot more! But on this occasion He said, Why have you never considered the magnificence of Adam's mind? That question startled me. He went on to say, You've considered the magnificence of his spirit before the fall when his spirit was alive to Me. You have considered that over and over and how when man sinned his spirit became deadened. (We say "died" but the spirit of man did not die in the sense of it ceasing action. Spirits are deadened to God but they are still very much in operation. Though my spirit was dead in sins it still hungered, it still thirsted. A person who is dead does not hunger or thirst.) You have considered how Jesus, the last Adam, came, took man's sins so man could be made a new man in his spirit. Man can be born from above in his spirit. I said, "Yes, every Christian believes that or he's not a Christian, for one must be born again to be a Christian." You considered that part of man; his spirit, and you've also considered the body of man before he fell; that body was immune from sickness and disease, from pain and when he sinned sickness entered into man as a direct result of the fall and that Jesus came for your physical nature - took your sicknesses, your pain, your infirmities - so that by His stripes you are healed. "Well, yes, Full Gospel Christians believe that, and I believe that." Then why is it you have not considered the magnificence of Adam's mind? 

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